Tuesday, February 19, 2013

MSG (Monosodium glutamate) is not healthy

             MSG is not natural. MSG is a flavor enhancer that makes cheap food taste better, and a company can uses less real ingredient to make their product. MSG has been added in larger and larger doses to the prepackaged meals, soups, snacks and fast foods we are tempted to eat everyday.
Many of us do not know about MSG. companies do not use the word MSG. Nowadays they use words such as hydrolyzed protein, hydrolyzed vegetable protein, plant protein extract, hydrolyzed oat flour and etc. These words are complicated and that is why we are mislead by the information provided in the label.

              In addtion, consuming too much MSG is bad for our health. According to the researchers and FDA, food and drug administration, they had found MSG cause brain cancer,high blood pressure, destroy brain cells especially those with asthma, headaches, chest pain, weakness and hair lost.
               Lastly, it is better to avoid the food such as grilled chicken, BK chicken fries,hot wings, and burgers because the meats are mostly prepare with little MSG.


  1. hmmm,maybe thats the reason im.experiencinf chest pains? too much msg? the government should stop this !

  2. This is a good choice of post! I hate MSG! Everytime I go outside and eat I feel disgust. I really want a healthy food, like home food. I feel like they should have like a group of people from the Nyc food nutrition dept. that checks on those restaurants who does put a certain amount of MSG. I believe they should use more on natural ingredients.
